Kendra’s school prom this year was on April 28. Prom was scheduled for 9:00 PM again this year. I still think that’s late.

Kendra had made an appointment with Misty, our stylist and headed over to the salon to get her hair done. Once again, Misty made Kendra’s hair beautiful. This year, she set Kendra’s hair in loose curls to reach her shoulders to complement her strapless dress. Kendra came home for me to paint her toenails and do her makeup. We took some photos of the process and of my beautiful girl in front of our house. She then went to take photos with her friends at Ashland – the Henry Clay Estate. Unfortunately, I was ill and wasn’t able to go. After pictures, the kids went to someone’s house for dinner. Darcy’s? They had a potluck with lasagna. Kendra brought a fruit tray. They then headed to prom.

After prom, Kendra had been invited to several after-parties, but had decided not to attend. Kendra headed home at 11:20 pm because she had to be at work at 7 am the next day.

Here’s the fun: